November 18 - 23

Ayurveda and Yoga Sattva Residency Retreat

Sattva is the quality of goodness, purity, positivity, truth, serenity, peacefulness, and benevolence drawn from wisdom and knowledge.

Treat yourself to a nourishing clinical experience that can reset your health and well-being. Deepen your knowledge and develop new skills for your career path.

Residency Retreat

This retreat is open to anyone interested in cultivating sattva, especially for yoga and Ayurveda professionals, students, or enthusiasts.

Sattva is used in healing and is our essential natural state of inner balance. Everyone strives to attain sattva with their meditation, yoga, or healthy lifestyle, and often can not sustain or access this natural innate balance and harmony.

Aspiring teachers and practitioners benefit from mentoring support, a guiding light, and a grounding force to anchor knowledge, master new skills, and provide personal healing through compassion and years of expertise in the field.

If you are a student of Ayurveda, a practitioner who did an online program, or a graduate who would like more practical experience, you will appreciate the opportunity to get supervised clinical experience working in this retreat setting doing clinical assessment and counseling.

What’s included

Yoga and Meditation

Sattva is the natural state of the mind, and Yoga and meditation are vital practices for cultivating sattva. We will practice yoga asana, pranayama, and meditation while participating in dharma lessons through sutra studies in yoga and classical Ayurveda rooting us in the Vedic knowledge of sattva.

Ayurvedic Treatments

We will learn and practice simple rejuvenating treatments that restore balance. You can incorporate these fun experiential protocols into your daily health and home beauty routines.

Nourishing Food

We will study the qualities of food as medicine. This is the time to make your unique herb blends, share favorite recipes, enjoy meals together, and feast with community sharing food which is made with love and awareness.


Through learning and healing circles, you will gain knowledge of Ayurvedic principles and practices, including clinical assessment and analysis techniques. These segments support you in learning the competencies that prepare you for the National Ayurveda Medical Association Board Exams or align with the International Association of Yoga Therapy standards.

Who is this for

This retreat is for everyone! You can enjoy the beginner student track or attend and take the experienced teacher track. Together, these tracks culminate in key segments for group learning and teaching. Bring your friends or family and enjoy quality time together.

Your spiritual knowledge will expand from when you wake up to when you sleep. You can come to rest, renew, and gain clinical and spiritual wisdom together.


The five-day tuition is $950. See the listing for location details, academic, clinical, gurukul hours, and more.


Our Enrollment Specialist is here to help.